For those who do…

It’s been a pretty long time since I have started blogging. Today I am here to share my experience to help the beginners to go further in blogging. Are you a newbie in blogging? Then you might have started your blog hosted on BlogSpot or WordPress most probably and you might be in anxiety to gain more and more audience. For that you definitely need to write your own content and indeed in a most interesting way. Writing something directly into the browser is something weird and awkward.

In case of your browser window is closed by any chance like clicking on close button by mistake or by any power interruption or may be because of sudden termination of process may lead to sudden closure of your browser without any warning and that may lead to the wastage of your entire work. Secondly the space configured by the blog’s service provider may have less functionality to format your post in your desired way.

So here you are going to have 5 wonderful and must have tools for bloggers.

Windows_Live_Writer_logo-150x150 Evernote-logo-220x189clip_image002Evernote_webclipper_logo skitch_rounded-300x198

1. Windows Live Writer:

This the oldest tool of the five and still it tops the list due to its amazing functionality. You might have heard about this tool and probably you also may be using this, else your next installation should be this one. Writing something locally (Offline), formatting in “your way” and then posting directly from that tool is something really cool. So try this tool, learn to use it and you never uninstall it.

2. OneNote or Evernote:

Even Live Writer is alone enough to type and format your post, but these two tools are more powerful and handy to write and format your content. As they are the note making software they definitely have some better features than the Live Writer. Some of their awesome features include “Auto Save” and “Cloud-Sync“. These two features are must for bloggers as we can write from anywhere and at any time. (You can also use Microsoft Word to edit your content as it is still more powerful than the remaining.)

3. Evernote Web Clipper:

Basically to present anything in a better way, we directly or indirectly need to depend on web (that may be to gather stats or may be to insert relevant images or to find any other content). After we find the matter we will definitely not going to write it down. Instead we may copy it and paste it somewhere. How many times will you do it and for how many things you do it? Or if you want to get the copied matter once the clipboard is cleared, you will never get it back. So to overcome all these thing you need to have this powerful tool to clip the content.

4. Screen Clipper:

At one time or the other you will definitely need to capture your entire screen or some part of it. To do this you need not search for another tool, you already have it! The OneNote Screen clipper is already pre-installed with your OneNote software. The shortcut to use this tool is ” clip_image006+ S” and then to select the amount of area to capture. That’s it, your required job is done.

5. Skitch:

Last but not least you also need an image editing software to blend your images with your content to make it more beautiful. For this you may not require the big software like Adobe Photoshop, but a simple and yet powerful tool. Here comes the “Skitch” to help you. It may be a simple tool to edit images but still it is a simple and adequate tool for a blogger to edit his images on his own.

The biggest boon with all these tools is that they sync to the cloud and make our content available at anywhere, any time and on any device. A small idea to make the live writer sync to cloud, is to save the posts directly in your SkyDrive or Google drive or Dropbox or any other cloud folders in your computer so that they sync the posts up-to-date. All these tools are perfect for those who blog to simplify their work. Happy Blogging!

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