What most schools don’t teach?

The clock clacked 11 times and I was sleepy. I just leaned back in my chair, one of the symptoms of me going to bed. Suddenly a notification swiped left from the top of my screen. That chirpy sound, it made, made me half-awake. The description in it made my eyes open wide. My eyebrows came closer and my vision got sharper.

Mark Zuckerberg shared a video – What most schools don’t teach?

May be my passion towards such names made me open that video and watch it twice. It just made me inspire that late night and my mind excited and it took more than an hour for me to sleep.

A computer is a machine that changed our lives drastically. The great leap forward in technology is just due to that “computer”. Since we made computer as a part of our daily life, one must know how to use it and how to make it work as per his/her desire. That can be achieved if you learn to CODE.

Just remember you need not be a genius to code, you just need to be determined.

Also all the Engineers, please remember you need not be “Computer Science Student” to code something. All you need is INTEREST and CONFIDENCE.

Using wordpress;

Using internet;

Namespace blog


Class post


Static void Main(string[] args)


Int day = Monday;

foreach(day != Sunday)


Console.WriteLine(“Should post a blogpost”);



If(post == notcompleted)


Console.WriteLine(“I am busy”);


Else if(post == notposted)


Console.WriteLine(“I am out of station”);




Console.WriteLine(“I am lazy”);





Cheers everyone! Just go through this video it really describes how important is to learn code. Happy Coding!

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