What happened in Google IO 2015?

Google IO 2015

It’s been a week after Google IO 2015 and there are tons of new things announced in there. Firstly Google IO is the developers conference held once in a year by Google in which they announce their new products and updates. As usually I started the keynote in the Google IO app for android. The 2 hour keynote went pretty exciting through out. With their amazing kickoff minute event last year, I was waiting to see how this year’s going to be and to my surprise this year 60-second countdown was awesome. Alright lets see what actually happened in that 2 hour window.

  • Android M

And the series of letters continued. Android M is not going to be a major update like Jelly bean or Lollipop. It’s more like a minor polish over previous version of android. It’s currently available as developer preview.

  • Upgrades to Google Play and App Permissions

Good news to developers. Now Google play apps have even more visibility and a new way to showcase their apps. Kid Focus is what groups the apps based on the popular characters. So if you have a Micky in your app, you can find in under Micky Mouse category. Pretty cool huh! App Permissions is notable and more welcoming to android. Now you can control the permissions you gave to app within the app itself. In the previous versions you have to allow all the permissions at the time of installation. Now you can find a permissions tab inside app’s settings page.

  • Google Cardboard and Jump

Virtual Reality(VR) is the trending technology in the valley right now and Google hit it in a different. In the last year’s IO they have announced Project Cardboard.Will talk about the Cardboard separately(its pretty interesting). Jump is a new project announced by Google. Jump is an open system for designing 360-degree video capture rigs, which will in-turn capture data to be processed into immersive 3D imagery for VR headsets. Take a look at the camera they designed and it’s awesome.

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