Get the best out of your Chrome

Most of us always love to have our work organized and simple. And computer users, in particular, love to have all their stuff at one place. It is already proven that computer users spend most of their time in a WEB BROWSER. So imagine if all our things get done in our browser itself, how will our productivity increases? To decide which browser to use, I cannot suggest one. Because I it one of the difficult tasks to decide one. It purely depends upon our need. Here am listing out a few chrome extensions that simplifies your work.

1. E-mail:

This is the first thing that everyone checks after logging in and also in between your work. So to have a quick glance of the number of emails in your inbox here’s an extension to help you. “Google Mail Checker”. The only limitation here is it works only for Gmail.


2. Social:

The next thing we checks out is our social profile. Many of us may spend more time here. So to get notified when new item arrives and to have a quick look at them these extensions might help.

For Twitter Lovers out there: Twitter for Chrome.

For Facebook : Facebook for Chrome.

For sharing the links quickly : Shareholic for Chrome.


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