For every problem

Have you ever irritated because of the stuff around you going wrong? I really feel myself frustrated when my mobile doesn’t respond to me or the computer doesn’t do what I said and the television malfunctions when my favorite program is running. What will be your immediate action?

I recently found many people around me facing these kind of irritations and in fact I too encountered. Let me exemplify a couple of such situations. Sony Bravia is the imported television set which my aunt owns. It recently went black while watching it. Then they gave it for repair to a Sony service center in their locality. After a few weeks they returned their TV replacing a few components in it. Later we found out that they completely replaced the components in it with those of another similar model. Now we have been facing the problem of updating its software. One more such situation we encountered with a water tap. When we just called a plumber and enquired about the problem. He just charged us with a 500 rupee bill. Within a week we encountered the same problem with another pipe. What should we do now? We just left it unused. Later an electrician came to repair a fan and saw that pipe problem. He just adjusted the water level through that pipe. That’s it, the problem is solved.

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I love My Password

“I was asked to do a favor for one of my friends. You may feel it strange but being his close mate I had no other chance but to do it. The task is to crack the password of someone’s Email !! What shall I do now? I know that something what I am going to do is not correct. But I have to go ahead for my Friend. So after going home straight from my college, I started doing the job.

First I gave a few futile attempts like his name, surname and names of his close friend’s, parents and siblings. Later I came to know that I cannot waste the time here. So I moved a step ahead and I Googled (as I find many of my queries by doing so) with the tag “Most commonly used passwords“. I tried them too adding a few of my smart guesses too. But I failed.

Next again I stepped ahead and typed his Email and started thinking. At that point I found a sentence with little alphabets saying “Forgot your Password?”. I just clicked it. Whoa! I got another path to go forward. Now I came so close enough to crack it that I have just two more hurdles in the form of questions. Yes! the Security questions which we answer in a hurry while setting up a new account.

First one: Where is your Birth Place?

Second Question: What is your Mother maiden name?

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