My next Move…

Again one more today! What’s happening around me? I am completely vexed up with these kind of news being published with images instead of joining hands to completely eradicate it. The incident that happened a month ago roaming in my mind like a fish in a closed bottle. The same incident is depressing me like I had a relation with that victim. Of course I do have the relation. She is one among my giant Indian Family. It is “The Delhi Incident” (after being named by the media). Many such incident have occurred before too. But this one stabbed deep inside me. After this one many other similar incidents started creeping in the main page of all news papers.

Every thing is fine. But what is my future (future of “Giant” family) in this country? Things getting complex in this country with those who have money or power. That’s what the reason behind those bastards being still alive. So seeing all these conditions, for any youngster like me two things come into mind abruptly.

Firstly the great ideas to eradicate such situations in our country. I know every youngster in this country have better ideas to make this a better nation. But are they being implemented or just being shared? The answer is a big NO. The logic behind this is quite simple. When that particular youngster shares his ideas with his parents, he receives the response of being commented on his studies or their family situation. If he shares with his friends, he might receive the better idea in reverse and an appended comment to it – “This is INDIA such ideas won’t work here”.

Secondly a small questions arises – “Why should I live in this country?”. Already he might have a plan to do his higher studies abroad. Now that reason strengthens.


What will be the fate of India if all the talented youngsters flew away? Just think and answer my question “How will you be assured of the secure life which you cannot find in your motherland?”

One thought on “My next Move…

  1. All that I can say…
    I don’t believe the most successful people are the ones who got the best grades, got into the best schools, or made the most money. (c)Ben Stein

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