Bing decorates your desktop

Many of us know that Bing is just a search engine provided by the Microsoft. But if you observe clearly it can do a few things that other search engines can do. One of such things is decorating your desktop.


Bing changes its background image every day. The same image could be your desktop image if you do a couple of things.
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An open letter to President Pranab

As the nation celebrates the journey of a village boy to the highest office in the land, there is a thrill of recognition that Indian democracy is still alive and walking. We hope now you will not only walk around the sprawling lawns of Rashtrapati Bhavan with abandon but also along the length and breadth of India — particularly small towns and villages where India pulsates with pain and possibility. Our nation cannot afford to let a President fade away from such a luminous life in politics into the haze of post-retirement nostalgia. India will move ahead when you are walking and awake. At a time when a nation finds itself edgy and on the brink of intense political and economic mood swings, making peace with the status quo is tantamount to giving up when your best is yet to come.

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